Urinary Incontinence - Overview
Urinary incontinence is the "involuntary loss of urine that is objectively
demonstrable and a social or hygienic problem" (International Continence
Society, 1988). In studies of prevalence, objective demonstration is often not a
realistic option, and so various arbitrary cut-offs in the frequency or amount of
urine loss have been used. In spite of this, the data are quite consistent from
study to study and country to country.1
The Causes of Urinary Incontinence
- A weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, the result of childbirth, a
disease process such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease, birth
defects, injuries from an accident, or a consequence of medications or surgery
can cause incontinence.
- Aging does not cause incontinence. However, changes which occur with the
natural ageing process, may contribute to incontinence, some examples are the
decrease of estrogen which women experience can lead to incontinence and the
natural enlargement of the prostate gland as men age. One in eight men over
the age of 50 will develop prostate cancer, of these, 50% will develop
Types of Urinary Incontinence
- Stress : happens when the bladder can't handle the increased
pressure during exercise, coughing or sneezing
- Urge : can be caused by a sudden, involuntary bladder spasm. It is
the inability to delay urinating long enough to get to a toilet when you get
the feeling
- Overflow : happens when the bladder becomes too full because it
can't be completely emptied and these is a frequent leakage of urine without
the urge to urinate
- Total : results from the complete absence of control, which may
lead to continuous leakage or periodic uncontrolled emptying of the bladder.
Incontinence is a serious concern as evident by many countries around the
world having established Continence Foundations, and annually promoting
awareness campaigns to educate the public and professionals to the causes and
treatments. Incontinence is an extremely prevalent disorder.3
In North America there are 33,000,000 people with an incontinence condition.4
In the United Kingdom in 2004 there were 6,600,000 women with a stress
incontinence condition.5 Urinary leakage is a worldwide
problem. urinary incontinence has three main subtypes including stress, urge and
mixed, and is estimated to affect 100 million women in the seven major markets.6
The highest prevalence of urinary incontinence is in the female
white American population and ranges from 23% to 41%.7 In 2000 there were 12 million Canadians between the age of 30 and 54 years of
age, and 83 million American’s between the ages of 34-54 years of age, In U.K,
France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy in 2005 there were 98,925,000 Europeans
between the ages of 30 and 54.8 Between the ages of 30 and 80+ there
are 180,790,000 North Americans and 176,305,000 Europeans (U.K., France,
Germany, Switzerland and Italy) for a total potential market of 357,095,000.
Prostate cancer is a very serious concern for men over the age 50.
1 in 8 men over the age of 50 will develop prostate cancer.9 In
North America there are 38,637,000 men over 50 years of age and 89,772,000 under
50 years of age.10 In Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Switzerland and
Italy) there are 43,789,000 males over the age of 50, and 88,233,000 males under
the age of 50.11
With the aging baby boomer population approaching middle age these numbers and
usage will increase dramatically.
Incontinence has a marked effect on the quality of life of those suffering
from it.
In 8-10% this results in social isolation (Angus Reid, 1997; Klag, 1999).
Despite the negative effects of urinary incontinence, only about half have ever
spoken to a physician about it (Angus Reid, 1997).12
The Canadian Continence Foundation confirms that in 1997 there were
approximately 1.5 million Canadian’s with an incontinence condition, by 2003
this number has more than doubled to 3.3 million Canadians, in the United States
there are approximately 30 million Americans with an incontinence condition.
A national poll (Angus Reid group, 1997) suggested that 1.5 million of
community-dwelling Canadians (7%) had suffered from an incontinence episode
during the previous year. More women than men were affected (12% versus 2.5%).
Prevalence increased with age, from 2% in those under 35 y to 12% of those 55
years and over. In other Canadian surveys, 16% of seniors over 64 y, living at
home, needed help for urinary incontinence (Reid, 1991), and 24% of men and
women over 84 years of age reported daily incontinence (Canadian Study of Health
and Aging: Hunskaar et al, private communication).13
It is anticipated that this number will continue to rise dramatically as the
baby boomer generation progresses to mid life and senior citizen stages.
[1]The Canadian Continence Foundation
[2]Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada
[3]Electromyographic Biofeedback
[4]The Canadian Continence Foundation
[5]Continence Foundation UK
[6]Data Monitor
[7]Bella Online
[8]U.S. Census Bureau
[9]Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada
[10]U.S. Census Bureau
[11]U.S. Census Bureau
[12]The Canadian Continence Foundation
[13]The Canadian Continence Foundation
